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legal separation (夫妻的)合法分居。

legal tender

Original birth / marriage / divorce absolute / annulment or legal separation court orders for you / or your spouse / death certificate for deceased spouse 最初的出生/婚姻/離婚絕對的/廢除或合法的分離法院為已故的配偶為你/或命令你的配偶/死亡證明書。

As divorce is difficult , many unhappily married couples are satisfied with a “ legal separation “ 在允許離婚之前要確:如果婚姻繼續,將會引起真正的不幸。

Convention on the recognition of divorces and legal separations , the hague , 1 . 6 . 1970 1970年6月1日訂于海牙的《承認離婚和分居公約》